Thursday, December 8, 2011

Song Of The Week: Rihanna - You Da One

The song of the week is You Da One by Rihanna it is on her sixth album Talk That Talk, which was released November 18, 2011. It has a hypnotic beat and catchy lyrics that make you think of that one special person. This does have potential to be here next big hit with proper airtime

Friday, December 2, 2011

Blisted Lips

So a few weeks ago while I was grocery shopping, I came across the greatest product ever (or at least for my lips). It was Revive & Restore by Blistex. The product comes in two containers that lock into each other and are specially formulated for different uses. Revive is for day use and protects your lips, Restore on the other hand you may use at night and it makes lips healthy and soft. They both smell great, are great in the winter air and for around $4 its a great investment.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Biggest Shoot Ever

A few weeks ago I had my best shoot to date. I had two wonderful models and a hair and MUA. Overall it was a great shoot.  My inspiration for this shoot was a closed hair salon, downtown Clemson. I wanted to do urban chic something I've never shot before. Shout out to